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Pickup lines.

Raggningsrepliker.net page that will make you fall of the chair.

Welcome to the most spectacular, most readable and the most useful part of the pickup lines 2021. Here you will find all the help to get the good looking girl / guy at the party, or to get rid of the cheesy type next to you, to insult your worst enemy.

The new updated page gives you many opportunities to progress as in Scandinavia and abroad, because we have collected pickup lines in three languages​​, all to give you readers what you want.
Take full advantage of the pages, if you run into a yummy replica on the road let's hear it, we make it visible to all!

• I'm a necrophiliac... How well do you play dead?

• If you won't fuck me, can I fuck you? 

• I'm rubber, your glue. Let's have sex.

• I WANT SEX! Sorry, the doctor said that would help.

• You're dead sexy. Get in my pussy!

• I'm scared of getting pregnant, so do you want to go up to my room & test out all of my condoms?

• The Lord gave us the power to fuck. So, let's go have sex!

• Sex is evil; Evil is sin; Sin is forgiven; so let's begin.

• If I was a chipmunk, and you were a bunny,...wait, or was it the other way around...forget it, Wanna screw?

• Excuse me, but I think that you are too drunk to drive. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? [Does it] Next, I need for you to bend over and spell "RUN".

• What do I have to do to be your booty call? 

• If you talk to me, I'll fuck you.

• Do you believe in free love? (Certainly no!) Then how much do you cost?

• I have a 13 inch dick. Remember that, there will be an oral exam later.

• (Stare at her until she says "What!?!") It isn't just gonna suck itself.

• Hey baby, I'll fuck you so well the NEIGHBORS will be having a cigarette when we're done.

• Thanks for the blow job last night. (What blow job? I didn't give you one.) You didn't? You owe me one.

• Let's go to your place and love each other until my dick falls in your pussy.

• I'll suck you so hard that you'll have to pick the sheets out of your ass when I'm finished.

• Do you train cats? (No, why?) Because you just made my pussy cum!

• Want to make a porno? We don't have to tape it.

• Let's not mess with nature. We are here to make babies. So, let's get to it.

• I've got a hummer and a vibrator. Which one do you want to test drive first?

• Ahoy there fair maiden, might I trouble thee for a fisting?

• I don't know you, and you don't know me, but who's to say it's wrong if we sleep together?

• I have an oral fixation with giving oral gratification. If you are willing to receive I am more than willing to give.

• I am participating in the Sexual Olympics multiple orgasm relay race my partner just died of exhaustion. Would you like to help me out? 

• Hi, I'm a representative for Joe Boxer. I'm doing a survey on which brand guys prefer leaving in the corner of the room while having wild sex.

• Let's face it. I'm hot, you're hot and we both know you got a crush on me. And really, who can blame you with a gorgeous face like this. So can I snatch a kiss or vice-versa (that is kiss a snatch).


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